Friday, January 3, 2014

Useful Makeup Guide

Hello Beauties,
I was lucky enough to be given an unexpected snow day today here in the Big Apple! Do you know what that means? Pinterest all day! I'm kind of obsessed guys :-/

I came across this awesome guide of a step by step routine that I figured you would find super helpful. I just wanted to share it for those makeup geeks out there!

Follow me on Pinterest! I have some pretty cool boards. The link to my Pinterest profile is down below. Happy pinning people!



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!! Day 1 of a 365 page book....

Happy 2014!!!!!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year filled with lots of Peace & Love!
This is not a rant about how much this is a "new year, new me" because everyone has their own timeline and ways about making change. It is all about when YOU are ready!

With that said, above is a video of all the wonderful things and people I have been blessed with this year and I am looking forward to a more BRILLIANT year for me, my friends and my family.

My goal this year is to SMILE OFTEN and FROWN LESS (Frowning causes wrinkles, who wants that?!) So, what is your goal? How will you SHINE this year? Today is Day 1 of a 365 page book. How will you write your story?

Cheers to 2014 and THANK YOU to everyone who has shown me nothing but LOVE & SUPPORT this year! Let's keep spreading the LOVE and continue the AWESOMENESS ;-)

